Moving to China is proving to be one of the best decisions that I made. When I was graduating from university, the thought of having to get a 9-5 job absolutely terrified me; I’m so young and there’s so much of the world that I want to see, so why should I have to settle in to a career straight after university.
I knew that I wanted to travel and see the world, but with a lack of money and tons of student debt it was a little impossible to just jump on to a plane and explore. That’s when I began looking at jobs in China, because I realised that living and working abroad means that you can explore a new country whilst earning money at the same time.
The benefit to living as a resident means that you are fully immersed in to the culture and the lifestyle; an experience that you would never get otherwise.
The culture shock that comes with this can be a little overwhelming at first, but it’s a great learning experience and opens your eyes to a different way of life.
It’s amazing how much money you can earn whilst here too, so you can afford to go on adventures and save up some money to pay off any debts that you might have. If you are feeling indecisive about whether you want to try this experience or not, I say just do it. If you really dislike it, you can always go home again.
But who knows, you might even surprise yourself! I’ve been here for about 4 months now and I’ve already had some of the best experiences, whilst meeting new people and making incredible new friends and memories along the way – miles better than sitting in an office from 9-5!
Written for The Fewer Things by Naomi Cutler - Check out Naomi's adventure on her Instagram page @nemscutler